Our insight, our understanding
Expertise and Engagement – Our Services for your Success
- High-quality service by professional M&A and corporate finance staff with industry, shareholding and investment bank experience
- International network with investors and companies established long term since C4 was founded in 2001
- C4’s collaboration with leading European investment banks has resulted in the first, independent and international investment boutique for the SME segment in Austria
- Corporate broker with the complete value-creation chain relating to equity transactions
- Fast, binding decision-making processes and creative, individualised problem solutions
- Integrated investment boutique as the alternative to the major banks
- Carrying out innovative capital market transactions in Austria and Germany
Our service spectrum:
The first step
Project, seed and start-up financing and financial advice
Growth phase
MBOs/MBIs, Spin Offs
Growth financing via venture financing and private placements
Company acquisitions and mergers
The road to success
Productivity consulting
Financial advice
Management coaching
Post M&A Integration advice
Going public
Providing advice on IPOs and secondary offerings
Organising roadshows
Investor relations advice
Support in the markets, Research Reports, development of a market-making and designated sponsorship infrastructure
C4-The international investment boutique for the SME sector
Costumers & Partners about C4
Rainer Schönfelder, formerly Skistar, Shareholder COOEE alpin Holding
“C4’s experience in marketing complex investment options and their financial expertise were, the perfect addition to our team.”
C4 Holding GmbH
📍 Tuchlauben 8, 1010 Wien, Österreich
☎️ +43 676 842619400 • 📧 h.voit@c4group.at
C4 Growth Hub
📍 Franz-Josefs-Kai 27, 1010 Wien, Österreich
☎️ +43 1 5327888 • 📧 office@c4group.at